Monday, December 21, 2009

What's in that Belly

Meet Baby Jones!

We had an ultrasound last week and it was simply amazing. Baby Jones was so active; I couldn’t believe all this movement was going on inside of me (and I can’t feel a thing!). Baby weights 6 ounces and is 6 cm long. Based on everything they check the baby is healthy and growing strong. The gender was detected by the women performing the ultrasound; however we are waiting until the birth to find out. We’ll have another ultrasound at the end of January to keep tabs of baby's progress.

Mama's Belly

Tada, prego Trisha!

I'm down to two "normal" pants that I can still wear. Most mornings I feel like I am back in high school changing a million times before I can find something that works. I think I've gained 12 pounds so far and this will be the only time that I post my weight gain numbers on the blog. :) My belly has really taken off in the last two weeks. Jason came back from a short business trip and "really noticed" that I was pregnant. I guess the changes have been subtle to most up to this point.

Week 17 - An Onion

Here’s what’s happening this week with Baby Jones.

- Skeleton is hardening, changing from a rubbery cartilage to bone
- Creating fat deposits under the skin
- Umbilical cord is getting thicker and stronger
- Fingers and toes now have one-of-a-kind prints

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Week 16 - An Avocado

I'm running a little behind on this post as Baby Jones is almost 17 weeks. However, this week Baby J was the size of an avocado. I should be able to feel movement soon so I am anxiously waiting.

Here's what happened this week:

- Baby’s bones are hardening
- The legs are now longer than the arms
- The baby is moving frequently since there is still a lot of room in the uterus
- Fingernails and toenails are growing

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

15 Weeks - An Orange

Baby Jones is the size of an orange this week. - Average size: 4.0 in, 2.5 oz

Here’s what’s happening with Baby Jones this week.

- Ears have migrated to the sides of the head
- Eyes are moving to the front of the face
- Wiggling fingers and toes
- Practicing inhaling and exhaling movements
- Fingernails are completely produced
- Legs are getting longer than the arms
- Muscles are developing as is the very thin skin
- Hearing is becoming more sensitive. Baby Jones can now hear when I sing and can hear music that is being played. Loud noises can also startle Baby Jones at this point in time.

I'm starting to get more engery and daddy is happy that I don't sleep all the time now. Belly picture coming soon.